Why Hire Us to Paint your Home’s Exterior?

Whether you’re getting ready to put your home on the market or just ready for a little change, a quality exterior paint job can provide a wealth of benefits to your home. We understand that it is an investment and may seem like a daunting project to many, but we will ensure that you get your money’s worth. When you hire a quality painter, with experience and attention-to-detail, you will boost your home value in a variety of ways.

Protecting the Structure

We all know just how harsh the cold, snowy winters and windy days can be here in Colorado Springs. That’s why we emphasize the benefits of painting your home that go beyond the outer appearance. Your home’s exterior paint actually provides an initial layer of protection for the structural elements. The exterior quality paint we use is actually formulated to provide against harsh elements. It can provide UV protection, guard against damage from high winds and rain, and even provide a barrier of protection against pests. This layer of protection will help prolong the life of your home’s exterior in the face of most other issues — meaning you won’t have to replace siding as often, which can offer some major savings. What a great investment!

Quick and Affordable Update

We’ve seen drastic growth in the housing market in Colorado Springs over time. If you’re looking to sell your home, new paint can be one of the best and most profitable home renovations. Interior renovations can be extremely costly and timely, while impacting your day to day life. However,  new paint colors can quickly spruce up your home, inside and out. With a few coats of paint, you can transform an outdated home to have a newer, fresher, well-maintained feel.

Curb Appeal

The first impression that people get when they approach your home is often known as the curb appeal. If you’re an HGTV fanatic, you’ve seen just how much of a difference new paint and landscaping can make in boosting a home’s curb appeal. New quality exterior paint can make your property stand out for all the right reasons. Not only will it boost the value of your home, but it will also help keep up the value of your neighborhood – which in turn, will boost your home value even more!

Home Exterior Before

Quality Exterior Paint After

As you can see, we do a lot more than just add a new color of paint to your home. Our experience and quality focus allows us to give your home the protection and appeal it deserves. When you work with Wright Prime and Paint, you’ll notice a difference. We are committed to providing service of the highest quality, paying particular attention to working efficiently and expediently while keeping the lines of communication with our clients clear and concise. We only use quality paints, we are dependable, professional and only work with the highest quality painters. Discover the Wright difference, done right the first time.

If you’re looking for a quality exterior paint job in the Colorado Springs area, give us a call!