How Often Should You Paint Your House?

This is definitely a commonly asked question. The answer however, can depend on quite a few different factors, like the material of your home, the quality of your last paint job, and the climate you live in. As a general rule of thumb however, you should paint your house every 7-10 years.

Here in Colorado Springs, we often have harsh winters and dry summers. This weather can cause your exterior paint to wear down a bit quicker than in other areas. Additionally, the direction your home faces can affect the wear of the paint. South or southwest facing areas are usually the first to show wear, as well as areas that face prevailing winds.

Another crucial aspect of the life of your exterior paint, is how it was done the last time. Your paint may not last as long if your previous painter skipped over crucial parts of the prep work, like failing to remove debris from the surface, not removing loose paint, or applying the paint on a wet surface. That’s why we take extra time to prepare your home for paint at Wright Prime & Paint!

If you’re curious if now is the time to paint your home, here are a few key signs:

  • Peeling/flaking paint (like our example here!)
  • Faded Colors
  • Chalky appearance
  • Looking to increase curb appeal
  • It’s been more than 10 years
  • You’re needing to patch stucco or replace wood board

As you can see, “how often should you paint your house?” is a loaded question, dependent on quite a few variables. If you need some help, give us a call and we’d love to discuss your options.

Home Exterior Before

Exterior Paint After!

If you’re looking for a restorative exterior paint job in the Colorado Springs area, give us a call!